class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Introduction to WebMaps ] .subtitle[ ## Lesson 4: Leaflet maps with R ] .author[ ### Dr.
Cyrille Médard de Chardon
] .institute[ ###
University of Luxembourg &
Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) ] .date[ ###
May 8, 2023 ] --- class: # Lesson 3 .pl[ ## Agenda - Making a Leaflet WebMap with R - Custom base maps ] .pr[ ## Homework reminder Class activities, homework, and assignments are due next week by the end of the day. ] --- # Create a Leaflet WebMap with R .pull-left[ We will quickly demonstrate how you can create a WebMap in R using the KnitR package. Create a new Rstudio project and add the `RLeaflet.Rmd` document to it, then open it in RStudio. You need to install the KnitR, and Rgdal packages. This file is a **mark-down** file (the same used to create this lesson content) that allows the easy styling of text into HTML. The `R` component allows the blending of R code with HTML (or PDF and other formats). This allows you to embed a narrative for your map very easily. To test the code simply click the `Knit` button in the toolbar above your code. This will create an HTML file in the same location as your Rmd file. ] .pr[ You can see the full [documentation for making WebMaps with Leaflet in R]( The code is relatively simple and requires many of the **same inputs** as done using JS. .ts[ ```r leaflet(width='100%') %>% setView(lng=lux_lng,lat=lux_lat, zoom=9) %>% addTiles() %>% addMarkers(lng=points_lng, lat=points_lat, popup=popup_content) ``` ] ] --- class: inverse, center, middle, activity # Activity 1: Create a WebMap using the R Leaflet package .pl[ See the [resources](rsrcs/l4/ for this week. Have Knitr build the WebMap for you. Add it to your website. ] --- # Using a Mapbox base map .pull-left[ ## Get your Mapbox token To get your base Mapbox map token: - Go to [MapBox]( and create an account. - Go to your account to copy your token. - It should look like **pk.eyJ1Ij...yeGwQRd4m8r9mQQ** ### Like in Lesson 2 Following the [Leaflet quick-start instructions]( and add your key at the line: ```js accessToken: 'your.mapbox.access.token' ``` <script type="text/javascript"> accessToken: 'your.mapbox.access.token' </script> Remember that I provided WebMap templates in the lesson 2 [resources](rsrcs/l4/ ] .pr[ ## Creating your own map style You can customize your own map style if you would like. - Go to [Mapbox Studio]( under the Products heading. We will not cover that here, but be aware of it. ] --- # Multiple data sources and styling .pull-left[ **It's possible to add multiple data sets** Just create the styles: .ts[ ```js let line_style = { "color": "black", "dashArray": "4 4", "weight": 2 }; let tunnel_style = { "color": "black", "weight": 4 }; ``` <script type="text/javascript"> let line_style = { "color": "black", "dashArray": "4 4", "weight": 2 }; let tunnel_style = { "color": "black", "weight": 4 }; </script> ] Then retrieve the data. ] .pull-right[ .ts[ ```js fetch("lines.geojson") .then(function(response) { return response.json(); }) .then(function(data) { L.geoJSON(data, {style: line_style}).addTo(map); }); fetch("stations.geojson") .then(function(response) { return response.json(); }) .then(function(data) { L.geoJSON(data, { pointToLayer: function(point, latlng) { return L.marker(latlng); //return, 1000); }, onEachFeature: function(feature, layer) { layer.bindPopup(; } }) .addTo(map); }); fetch("tunnels.geojson") .then(function(response) { return response.json(); }) .then(function(data) { L.geoJSON(data, {style: tunnel_style}).addTo(map); }); ``` <script type="text/javascript"> fetch("lines.geojson") .then(function(response) { return response.json(); }) .then(function(data) { L.geoJSON(data, {style: line_style}).addTo(map); }); fetch("stations.geojson") .then(function(response) { return response.json(); }) .then(function(data) { L.geoJSON(data, { pointToLayer: function(point, latlng) { return L.marker(latlng); //return, 1000); }, onEachFeature: function(feature, layer) { layer.bindPopup(; } }) .addTo(map); }); fetch("tunnels.geojson") .then(function(response) { return response.json(); }) .then(function(data) { L.geoJSON(data, {style: tunnel_style}).addTo(map); }); </script> ] ] --- class: inverse, center, middle, activity # Activity 2: Create a CFL WebMap using Mapbox .pull-left[ See the [resources](rsrcs/l4/ for this week. Use the CFL GeoJSON data to display Luxembourg's: - Train lines - Train stations - Train tunnels Use the Mapbox basemap: - Update the tileLayer source `L.tileLayer(MAPBOX_TILE_URL, {...})` - Update the token `accessToken: YOUR_TOKEN` - Update the map id `id: 'mapbox/streets-v11'` ] .pr[ The easiest option is to use the [async method](Lesson3.html) for loading multiple GeoJSON data sets to your WebMap. **Remember this will only function when on your server** See the previous slides for additional information. ] --- class: inverse, center, middle, activity # Homework and final assignment --- # Final homework assignments WebMap Like previous lessons your homework is to complete all activities but also reproduce what you have learned but using independent data and ideas. .pl[ ## Leaflet full feature map You will create a WebMap of a topic of your choice. You will create a Leaflet map that contains: - A Mapbox basemap (of your choice) - A legend - An interactive info box - A context for the map - what's the purpose of the map? The story? - This map is worth about a **quarter** of your WebMap course-section grade ] .pr[ Your **final homework assignment** is due .... when? Let's discuss. ] --- # Homework .pl[ ## Exercises Finish the exercises from today's lecture. - Create the Lux Pop leaflet WebMap in R - Create the CFL WebMapx: - Using a Mapbox base map and token - Add a legend (tunnel, rail, station?) ] .pull-right[ ## Replication You must create **another** Leaflet WebMap in R with **data and theme** of your choice. - use data/topic outside of that covered in this course. ## Final assignment - Se previous slide ] **Like all previous lessons, only homework on the server is evaluated.** Make sure that your index page links to your individual WebMaps correctly so that they can be found.