The Virtual Palaeoscience project began in Spring 2020, as part of the emergency pivot to online learning in response to Covid-19 restrictions across the university sector. The initial aim was to bring together a community of educators to share resources and resource creation to meet the immediate needs of the sector. The project has evolved into a community of practice focused on digitally enhanced learning and its potential to increase inclusion in our academic fields. You can find out more about the project at our webpage.
“Palaeoscience” is defined broadly as any study of longer term earth system processes or of the past, encompassing terms such as environmental change, palaeoecology, Quaternary Science, or environmental archaeology. This type of content is taught in a wide range of academic contexts, including geography, environmental science and earth science, therefore finding resources can be a challenge. A key initial activity was to collate existing resources available on the internet. That initial spreadsheet underlies the web interface presented here. This spreadsheet was last updated in January 2022.
Browse the resources below, filter by categories, or search using your browser (Ctrl-F).
If you wish to add, remove, or modify the resource please go to the github repository and change the database entries in source file js/vips_resource_database.js.